Faculty Training and Development

Providing opportunities for faculty to learn sound pedagogical practices in teaching using educational technology.  Please note: The yellow buttons on this site are all clickable/tap-able links that will take you to supporting documents, videos, websites, or additional pages on the FTD website.

If you're new to Concordia, or new to online teaching, you'll need to complete the Faculty Online Certification Course. Please contact Dr. John Randall to enroll.


Concordia has transitioned to a new learning management system, Canvas! Set up your courses and get to know Canvas with these specially curated tips and resources.  


Discover new learning technology tools and techniques, highlighted for you in a brief tip delivered each week via the MyCUI OIIE Group. Links to in-depth resources are also provided.  


Artifical Intelligence

An exploration of this exciting and rapidly changing field and how it affects higher ed. 


Accessibility requirements and how to implement them in course content. 


Resources for working with Canvas quizzes, Respondus lockdown browser, and A.I.

Creating Media

Best practices for recording, uploading, and cataloguing media.


Resources for Faith Intergration in Canvas courses.


Tutorials on popular software packages such as Microsoft Office, Adobe Suite, and many others. 

Learning Design

Educational strategies and resources for creating engaging learning environments. 


A quick tutorial on using MyRecords, Concordia's student and employee information system. View rosters, academic warnings, submit final grades, and more.

Tech Tools

A selection of tools to support student engagement in online and hybrid courses. 


Tutorials and best practices for setting up and using Zoom.