
The resources below have been approved by Christ College, and are offered to support Faith Integration in your Canvas courses. Consider linking to CUI's archived chapel services, or pointing students to specific podcasts or devotions from the list below. If you would like to consult with an instructional designer about incorporating devotions in your courses, please contact OIIE.

Abbey West campus ministries maintains this continually updated archive of CUI's chapel services.  To link to a specific chapel service, visit Concordia University's video showcase on Vimeo.

CUI's Center for Worship Leadership provides a variety of resources, including its own blog, several podcasts, the Psalm Library project, the Songwriter initiative, and more.  Consider having students listen to one of the Psalms set to music, like Long Live the King, and share their reflections.  

Concordia University Chicago offers a series of devotions based on traditional Lutheran hymns.  Discover new insights into familiar hymns, along with prayers and reflections for applying their wisdom to everyday life.  As just one example, see the devotion based on Luther's " A Mighty Fortress is Our God."

These classic daily devotions are available in both audio and text, and include reflection questions and prayer. This link goes directly to the devotion of the day; for archives or specific episodes, see their podcasts (below).

This time-honored ministry from the LCMS now produces a variety of devotional podcasts, including The Lutheran Hour, Speaking of Jesus, and The (Im)partial ChurchLink to a specific episode, or invite students to choose their own episodes and share their reflections.  

The Lutheran Women's Missionary League offers these daily devotions tailored to women, with a focus on "affirming each woman's relationship with Christ." Devotions are available in both audio and text. 

Billed as "the official broadcast voice of the LCMS," KFUO Radio provides a wealth of resources for prayer, study, and worship. This includes the daily Oratio series, as well as links to a variety of podcasts, music, and study guides. 

Links to free online audio Bibles from the LCMS.

An archive of CUI's Lenten devotions from the past several years. 

A 16-day student devotional based on 2 Corinthians 12:9.