If you would like to consult with an instructional designer regarding Assessment in your course, please contact OIIE.
If you would like to consult with an instructional designer regarding Assessment in your course, please contact OIIE.
Please visit our Artificial Intelligence page for resources related to assessment.
Convert ChatGPT-generated quiz questions into a fully-built Canvas quiz.
Explore FAQs about creating , editing, and grading quizzes in Canvas. Please note that CUI uses the Canvas "Classic Quizzes," and not "New Quizzes."
The Respondus Online Proctoring and Lockdown Browser tools are available to use within Canvas. Click the link above to see our collection of tutorials and information.
Consider several alternatives to traditional MC testing: the use of student-constructed cheat sheets, collaborative testing, using student-generated test items, universal design for learning, and providing immediate feedback.